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Fabio Leonardi MR10 Motor Replacement Parts

Please click on the link for the part corresponding to your model for the required part to jump directly to the product page. If you are not sure of the model of your Fabio Leonardi tomato machine, please do not hesitate to contact us at for assistance. 

1) Base
2) Motor
3) Nut
4) Fan Cover
5) Switch
6) Power Cable
10) Gear Bush
11) Cast Iron Drive Gear
12) O-Ring

15) Nylon Spacer
16) Iron Spacer
17) Snap Ring
18) Screw (5pcs)
19) Flange
20) Knob
21) Cork Gasket
22) Big Flange Bush
23) Little Motor/Flange Bush
24) Rubber Pad
25) Plastic Step Gear

Not Shown:
MR10 Replacement Fan Blade