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Fabio Leonardi MR8 .5HP TC12 Meat Grinder Review- USA

Fabio Leonardi MR8 .5HP TC12 Meat Grinder Review- USA


This video is a review of the benefits and features of the Fabio Leonardi MR8 .5 hp TC12 meat grinder. The video also demonstrates how to use the machine not only to grind meat but also demonstrates how to use it as a sausage stuffer.

Ranging in sizes from 1/3 hp to 1.5 hp we can recommend what size would be best for your needs. The Fabio Leonardi meat grinders are 100 percent made and assembled in Italy and are recognized worldwide for being the best grinders on the market.

What sets this line apart from others is the fact that there are no internal plastic parts. Fabio Leonardi offers niploy food grade metal treated cast iron parts which is a non corrosive metal safe for food production.

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